
Martial Arts Demonstrations by the Jedi Guardians

Going to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Library in Chinatown to watch a Star Wars Light Saber dueling demonstration ranks high on interesting things to do on a Saturday afternoon. It sure beats doing my laundry.

On Saturday, September 18, The DC Anime Club hosted this event in the basement level of the library which featured The Jedi Guardians - a non-profit stage combat organization and Light Saber dueling group. Cosplaying as Jedis, members of this organization performed demonstrations on the basics on Light Saber dueling, provided the audience practice Kendo swords, explained the similarities between the Jedi and the Samurai, and gave a brief lesson on George Lucas' vision and creation of the Jedi.

I'll admit, my initial reaction before attending this event was that serious sparring with Light Sabers is a tad bit corny. Regardless, I was gonna go to this event anyway because anything martial arts-related always peaks my interest. It wasn't until the leader of the group, Sensei Leo Dorsey, discussed a marital arts connection to light saber dueling its connection to Japanese Kendo that the corniness disappeared quickly. I really got into it and before I knew it, I found myself on stage with a Kendo sword, learning basic light saber defensive moves.

I was also impressed with how The Jedi Guardians give back to the community with charity events and fundraisers they participate in. Raising money for Haitian relief and the annual Toys of Tots shows they are more than just a Star Wars fan group.

Aside from learning how to pose awesomely with a light saber, I did learn a lesson from this event. Anyone can take something they're passionate about, turn it around, and find a way to invest that passion into their community. You see all sorts of Jedis, Storm Troopers, and DarkVaders at Anime and comic conventions either play fighting or posing for pictures. But it's really interesting to me that a group of the same type of fans took their love of Star Wars and martial arts a few steps forward and developed an organization that not only allows them to geek out together - but to also give back to their community. I'm impressed....... and if I weren't already committed to my Taekwondo, I would considering trying this out....... and not feel corny about it!

The Jedi Guardians operate in the DC, Maryland, and Virginia area. For more info visit their website